Today's Supreme Court decision has larger ramifications, as was so eloquently pointed out by Madame Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in her scathing dissent. (Be sure to read it in its entirety. She's a hell of a lady.)
What is a company is owned by Jehovah's Witnesses? Should that employer be able to say that a non-JW's insurance coverage won't cover a blood transfusion? (as JWs believe that a blood transfusion is akin to consuming blood, which is a no-no in that faith. Vampires need not apply.)
Christian Scientists believe in the power of prayer to heal the body's ills. Should they be able to opt completely out of the Affordable Care Act because they don't use doctors? That is a "sincerely held belief" under the terms of today's Court decision.
Observant Jews and Muslims don't use or eat pork products. Insulin is pig-derived. Should observant Jews and Muslims be allowed to not cover insulin for diabetic employees because of this "sincerely held belief"?
This is more than simply a reproductive rights issue. This is an issue that covers a wide range of religious teachings. As there is supposed to be a separation of Church and State, according to the Establishment clause of the First Amendment, today's decision should never have happened.
As our Country slowly works its way toward becoming a Theocracy based upon Judeo-Christian teachings, are you going to sit idly by and wait for it to happen, or will you stand up and vote for the candidates who will put these religious fanatics back in their place?
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